The practice profiles on this page have been created by placement areas to provide information to students to support them in preparing for their placement. These have been split into core Divisions to make it easier to locate the profile that you need. You will find practice profiles under the following categories below:
- Acute (Adult) and Ambulance services
- Community services
- Maternity and Paediatric services
- Mental Health and Learning Disability services
Each practice profile will contain contact and location details for the placement area, a description of the service and client group, information on shift patterns, recommended reading and specific learning opportunities.
Please take time to read the practice profile prior to commencing your placement as this will ensure you are appropriately prepared.
We hope you enjoy your placement experience and please do complete your end of placement feedback form so we can share good feedback and continue to improve placement experiences for students.

Acute (Adult) and Ambulance services
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust Acute and Ambulance services offer students a wide range of practical experiences and the opportunity to develop clinical knowledge and skills in a supportive environment. The practice profiles listed in this section cover our Planned and Unplanned areas, as well as our award winning Ambulance service.
Community services
Our Community teams provide vital care to patients within their own home and within inpatient, outpatient and clinic settings. The Community services are currently in a transition period. From 1st May 2024 to 30th June 2024 these services will be delivered by Southern Health Foundation Trust. From 1st July 2024 all Community services on the Isle of Wight will be delivered by the newly formed Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS Foundation Trust.
Maternity and Paediatric services
These services provide vital support and critical care to children, young people and their families.
Mental Health and Learning Disability services
Our Mental Health and Learning Disability teams provide vital care to patients within their own home and within inpatient, outpatient and clinic settings. The Mental Health and Learning Disability service is currently in a transition period. From 1st May 2024 to 30th June 2024 these services will be delivered by Southern Health Foundation Trust. From 1st July 2024 these services will be delivered by the newly formed Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS Foundation Trust.
Contact us
For any queries relating to Practice Profiles or Student Placements with the Isle of Wight NHS Trust, please contact the Clinical Education Team on iownt.clinicaleducationteam@nhs.net
Address: Clinical Education Team, Education Centre, Isle of Wight NHS Trust, St. Mary's Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG