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Medical work experience

Clinical attachments

Clinical attachments are non-paid placements requested by qualified doctors, usually from overseas who are looking for some work experience in this country.  Placements are usually 4 weeks and doctors generally request a specific department. For more information, please contact the Medical education Team.

Student electives

Student electives are 4 week placements requested by medical students, from either overseas or from UK medical schools (not including Southampton). For more information, please contact the Medical Education Team.

A Level students - The Hospital Experience Course

The Hospital Experience Course is a two day course aimed at Year 12 students thinking of applying to medical school. To be considered for this course, students must be studying the required subjects at A level.  The course consists one day spent in Surgery, at which time there may be an opportunity to go to the operating theatre and the other day in Medicine shadowing a Junior Doctor on the wards. For more information, please contact the Medical Education team via Kate Hyde, Deputy Medical Education Manager: