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Could you help to improve the experience of our patients?

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Our Volunteer Service is fortunate to have a wonderful team of caring, compassionate, and dedicated volunteers that selflessly offer their time to support our various services throughout the Trust. Their diverse backgrounds and personal experiences mean that they all bring their own set of skills and array of knowledge which we are all very grateful for. 

Some of the roles volunteers are involved in include:

Featured Vacancies:

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete an application form.

Alternatively, you can request that we email or post you an application form by completing the online form at the bottom of this page titled Request a Volunteer Application form.


Volunteer Community First Responder

Having someone in the community, immediately available who has been equipped and trained in medical emergencies really can mean the difference between life and death; can you help make that difference to our local community?CFR SF.jpg

  • Are you 18 years old or over and physically fit?
  • Do you have a sympathetic, kind and caring nature?
  • Are you able to give 6-10 hours a week of your time or more?

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust Ambulance Service is recruiting for their award winning Community First Responder Scheme, which was rated as area of outstanding practice by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) in 2018.

Volunteer Community First Responders (CFRs) are trained by the NHS Ambulance Service to attend 999 medical emergency calls in their local area, and provide first responder skills to those most in medical need.

All applicants will need to undertake an interview, reference checks, level 2 Occupational Health clearances and an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.

Successful applicants will then be required to attend an initial five-day, accredited clinical training course which is due to run between the following dates:

09:30 – 17:30hrs, between Monday 28th July and Friday 8th August 2025.

If a current, relevant Health Care Professional registration or an appropriate first responder accredited qualification is held full course attendance may not be required.

For further information and to submit an application, please visit Volunteer Community First Responder | Job advert | Trac


What brings you joy volunteer

Purpose / Summary of role:

To enhance the quality of life and environment of the patients by proving social and practical help as identified by the Ward/department Manager.

Key Activities:

  • To actively engage with our long stay patients, discovering what brings them joy and tailor activities to meet those needs
  • Spend time weekly with these patients, bringing stimulation to their days
  • Work on those wards that have been highlighted to have long stay patients
  • Bring joy, stimulation, and time to those in need
  • Listen, engage, and spend time with patients
  • If applicable, encourage social interaction in bays, using communal tables if available
  • To connect with the multi-disciplinary team to help identify those patients in need

To view the full role description, please click here.


Ward Helper Volunteer

Purpose / Summary of role:

As a Ward Helper you will be based on one of our wards assisting with non-clinical tasks.
The aim of the role is to enhance the quality of life and environment of the patient by providing social and practrical help.

Key Activities:

  • Engaging in conversations with patients
  • making drinks for patients
  • Distributing meals
  • Interacting with patients such as by playing games and reasing
  • To undertake any other duties that may be appropriate in respect of a Ward Helper

To view the full role description, please click here.


01983 822099 ext. 6411




Volunteer Service
Isle of Wight NHS Trust
St Mary’s Hospital
Isle of Wight
PO30 5TG

Volunteering requires commitment, both of energy and time. Our volunteers are unpaid – apart from travel expenses – so why do it? There are many reasons, including: 

  • Job satisfaction

  • The chance to gain experience and develop new skill

  • Social contact and activity

  • The opportunity to help other people

  • A rewarding and fun experience 

Depending on the area they work, our volunteers undertake a wide variety of activities including talking to patients, making teas and coffees, helping to make beds, signposting to services and escorting people around the hospital. By doing that little extra, volunteers can brighten a patients day.

No, you don’t usually need any special skills to be a volunteer at St Mary’s hospital. We provide all volunteers with general training and you will also be given specialised training relevant to your role, if needed. Our volunteers are made up of a diverse range of people and it is more important that they have qualities such as friendliness, a sense of humour, reliability and a genuine wish and willingness to help.

Each volunteer decides how much time they are able to offer. Some people come in for three hours per week, others volunteer for one to two days a week. Normally volunteers will undertake one session of 3-4 hours per week. We do ask that volunteers commit to a minimum of six months so it is important to think carefully about whether volunteering will fit into your life on a regular basis.

We welcome volunteers from the age of 16 and there is no upper age limit, providing you are reasonably fit. All volunteers are interviewed to make sure we can find a role that is suitable.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please click here to obtain an application form.

If you would rather that we send you a form, please complete the Request a Volunteer application form below.

Please return all completed applicaiton forms to our postal or email address detailed below. Alternativey, you can hand deliver your applicaiton form to St Mary's Hospital Main Reception desk.

Contact us:

Volunteer Service
Isle of Wight NHS Trust
St Mary’s Hospital
Isle of Wight
PO30 5TG


01983 822099 ext. 6411

Request a Volunteer application form

What volunteers say...

'Everyday is different – funny, sad, demanding, challenging – but never dull’

‘Volunteering really spices up my life. I would recommend every one of my friends to join in because it is such a great opportunity.’