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Online Learning Resources

Books and journals

Library Catalogue 

SWIMS (Library) Catalogue - search here to find books and journals available from the Isle of Wight NHS Trusts and other Library networks from around the South West. If you request a specific book from our interlibrary network, we will source it for you.

Browsing journals

Go to BrowZine Library - use the search box to find the journal you want. To access the collection from work or home, login to your Open Athens account.

Uplifting resources for staff

Access the Knowledge and Library Services website to find a selection of uplifting and mood boosting digital resources including apps, podcasts and other online resources chosen by NHS staff, for NHS staff.

Online Resources 

NHS OpenAthens is required to access many of our online resources.

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly to the latest evidence-based information, whnever and wherever you need it. Download the app on your phone for on-the-go evidence at your fingertips.

BNF & BNFC are freely available to access via NICE.

The Crochane Library is the premier resource for information on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions, freely available to everyone in the UK.

Kortext (digital eBook provider) holds a collection of eBooks available to all NHS staff via your Open Athens account. 

EBSCO Databases includes MEDLINE, CINAHL, Pyschology & Behavioural Sciences Collection.

OVID Databases includes Embase, Emcare, AMED, HMIC, MEDLINE, Social Policy and practice.

Oxford Medicine Online is a digital platform hosting over 240 titles from the Oxford University Press' prestigious medical collection.

PEDro is a Physiotherapy database which will search systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and practice guidelines.

ProQuest includes PsycINFO, BNI, PsycArticles, Health Research Premium Collection.

PubMed provides literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books.

Royal Marsden Manual online provides the most up to date version of the manual.

UpToDate gives you the opportunity of earning CPD/CME whilst you learn about the most recent advances in medical care, at the point of care. Available as an app to keep with you wherever you go.

Contact Details

For further queries and information for the Oliveira Library, please do not hesitate to email us.

Or call: 01983 822099 ext. 4519.