Work Experience is an introductory experience to careers in the health and care sector.
Who can apply?
- You must be at least 16 years old and in Year 12+ (or equivalent) when you start your placement.
- We give priority to:
- Care-experienced applicants (e.g. looked after children, care leavers) living on the Isle of Wight
- Students and young people aged 16-25 living on the Isle of Wight
- We aim to reduce inequalities for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds and the barriers to accessing career opportunities. Therefore, by providing individuals from these backgrounds with work experience, the IW NHS Trust can increase representation and widen access crucial for delivering culturally competent and compassionate care. Work experience can help to level the playing field for those often facing barriers, to gain vital skills and access opportunities that they may otherwise be excluded from.
- While we do our best to fulfil as many requests as possible, we have a limited capacity and cannot guarantee placements. We may pause applications if we reach capacity.
- All applications must be able to provide a suitable reference at the time of application (employer, school/college, social worker, caseworker, IWT staff member).
- If you have any questions, please email
- Applicants under the age of 18 must have permission from a parent/carer to participate in workplace shadowing.
What roles can I experience?
Below is an example list of departments who have previously supported our work experience programme. Click to find out more about each experience:
- Pharmacy - Healthcare science
- Cardiac investigations - Healthcare science
- Central booking service - Customer service and administration
- Medical devices - Engineering and electronics
- Clinical education - Nursing, healthcare support and learning and development
- Library - Administration and digital
Please note, that placements within these teams may not be available in all taster weeks, as this is always dependent on departmental capacity at any given time.
Successful applicants will be expected to complete preparational work-related learning as part of their experience to gain those impact out of the programme, and to feel fully prepared for future employment within the NHS.
As work experience opportunities are highly competitive and places are limited, we recommend completing online work-related learning through one of our partners prior to applying:
If you don’t know which role you’d like to experience, explore roles on NHS Health Careers and take the careers quiz to find your role. For further information, please contact
Where does work experience take place?
- Most placements are based at St Mary’s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight (although some may take place at the Apex Centre, St Cross Business Park, Newport).
- Our site is well served by public transport. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide transport.
- There is a car park on site for which there is an hourly charge.
When can I apply?
- You can apply for work experience during the time periods below.
- Capacity for placements within our host teams is limited, and applying for an experience does not guarantee a place on our programme.
- Placements usually last two days, plus an additional induction day.
- We do not offer placements on weekends.
- We aim to let you know if your application has been successful or unsuccessful no longer than 2 weeks after the closing date.
- Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications received outside of these dates. Please email if you have any queries about work experience.
Workplace shadowing will take place within the following weeks, for 2 days. The induction day will usually take place on the Monday, and the 2 days within your chosen area will depend on the department’s capacity and staffing. This will be communicated to you if you are successful with your application.
Work Experience Weeks | Applications Open | Application Form |
21st - 25th October 2024 | Apply between 13th - 23rd September 2024 | Applications closed |
28th April - 2nd May 2025 | Apply between 3rd - 16th March 2025 | |
30th June - 4th July 2025 |
Apply between 12th - 21st May 2025 | (Link will appear here when applications open) |