We are working to ensure that children on the Isle of Wight are supported to get the best start in life that will lead to good health and wellbeing. This will provide the foundation to ensure they are able to achieve the best opportunities and keep as healthy and well as possible throughout their lives.
We want to ensure that families, individuals and communities are thriving and resilient with access to good jobs, affordable housing, leisure activities, lifelong training, education and learning, health and care services are are able to enjoy the place in which they live.
We want to ensure that people on the Isle of Wight are able to live independently in their own homes with appropriate care support. We want to make sure older residents are supported to play an active role in their communities and supported to maintain and develop their social and community networks.
To help people make informed choices and find solutions to their needs which are not reliant on services, we have created a team of people called Local Area Coordinators or ‘LACs’.
This initiative led by Public Health, works in partnership with other health professionals, adult social care, police and fire services, and those in other community roles such as Care Navigators. Their role is to support people to develop and use personal and local networks to connect them with community life, enabling them to understand how and where to find support and services in the right place and at the right time, thereby reducing isolation and giving them the tools and confidence to plan for the future.
They work with:
Since mid- 2015, nine Local Area Coordinators have been put in place. They have already worked with hundreds of people and have made a real difference to their lives:
You can watch a short video below to see just what a different the local area coordinators are making to people's lives on the Island.