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Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2021

The health and wellbeing of people on the Isle of Wight is fundamental to how we live our lives and everyone has a role in improving it for ourselves and the people around us.

As a Health and Wellbeing Board we have used data and information about the Island's population's health and wellbeing and talked to people in local organisations and the community to help us put together a plan and set of priorities to help improve everyone's health and wellbeing.

Our Island Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out a shared vision in which people live healthy and independent lives, supported by thriving and connected communities with timely and easy access to high-quality and integrated public services when they need them.

It focuses on a life-course approach for improving health and wellbeing which takes a holistic view of an individual looking at how they start well in life, continue to live well throughout life and age well as they near the end of their lives.

The underlying principles of our strategy are:

  • Equity - the provision of services should be proportional to need and targeted to the areas, groups and individuals that need them the most (to reduce health inequalities)
  • Accessibility - services should be accessible to all, with factors including geography, opening hours and physical access being considered for all including disabled persons
  • Integration - if by working together we can make things easier and deliver better results for people within the same overall cost, all relevant organisations should do so to maximise the local benefits
  • Effectiveness - activities and services should provide value for money and produce evidence that they are delivering results
  • Sustainability - the work undertaken needs to be able to continue over time without impacting negatively on the environment, economy or society
  • Diversity - activities and services should pay attention to the specific needs of protected groups (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership (in employment only), pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex) and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their duties

By agreeing this approach jointly, we can all work together as individuals, groups, communities and organisations to make sure we achieve our shared vision of people's lives on the Island.