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Introducing our plan

The Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Isle of Wight NHS Trust, Isle of Wight Council, local GPs and many others are working together to improve health and care on the Island.

There is a lot of work already being done to make sure that people are able to rely on high quality, well-run services - now and in the future.

We have worked hard to improve how services are organised and commissioned, including setting up three 'locality' areas to better connect services to local communities.

Working with colleagues in primary care and the voluntary sector, through networks like the Local Care Board, our health and care system has agreed a way to continue this progress.

The Local Care Board is made up of leaders from the CCG, Council, Trust and is supported by the elected member for Adult Social Care and Public Health. 

It takes decisions about health and care services and looks at how well they are performing - bringing together our resources and plans. 

As an Island resident, carer or patient, you will be aware of the challenges we face. You have told us of your frustrations and concerns before and now it is time for action. 

We must change how we provide health and care services to better meet people's needs. We will work more closely together to improve health and care and to make it sustainable. 

Our plan is to invest in community services and to transform the way mental health services are provided. Over the next three years we will find partners to work with us to support further improvements to services and to secure their long term future. 

We will also make best use of public money, improving productivity and financial sustainability in the NHS and social care. The recent announcement of £48 million of investment in NHS buildings and IT is a welcome boost. 

We will work with our partners to decide where best this money can be spent to support our plan for improved and sustainable health and care services.
